[Question] Who do you think is the greatest Earth player ever?


Oct 5, 2021
yeah i like your example of having the "competition" type thing. if we were to gather like consensus top 50 players from earth i think the order would prob just end up with you at 1 and falcon at 2 tbh.

however putting yourself at 1. im not a huge fan of, because you joined Season 2 in april, which was like half a year after it released. imo to be in contention for top 3 i think you gotta be consistently active

if we were to categorize by like seasons, for current season 3 it'd prob look like this for me:

1. You (#1 kills on lb, consensus best pvper atm, good all 'round player)
2. beans (svas hard carry and also leader of what was the strongest nation until the raygun happened)
3. pete (biggest grinder on the server, nothing else needed)
4. wedosnipes (svas do it all)
5. cross (similar to pete, huge grinder, actually CAN left-click)
6. this is gonna piss some people off but ima put myself here, though after getting completely mauled this might be controverisal (top 5 on kills, could be argued for top 3 active pvper)
Oh damnn I'm flattered even being mentioned in this, tysm!