Rejected Sauron's Tower

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Forum Expert
Nov 9, 2020
367 5
Heya guys!

Another nice map, great work capturing the detail and aesthetics of the original Sauron's tower!
I love the concept and the execution of the theme, really brings the map together nicely!
The parkour is varied and fluent, very smooth and good with checkpoint placements and navigation.
One thing I will mention is that you could have extended the tower upwards, it would have then been more accurate to the original.
Other than that, good map!

I wish you all the best with the submission process.
[EDIT] - Heyo, I recently found that the map ObsidianTower is the exact same build (missed it as it's not tagged as "Sauron" anywhere on the map document, my apologies for this). Thus, the theme would be unoriginal.
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Active Member
Sep 12, 2020
Heya guys!

Another nice map, great work capturing the detail and aesthetics of the original Sauron's tower!
I love the concept and the execution of the theme, really brings the map together nicely!
The parkour is varied and fluent, very smooth and good with checkpoint placements and navigation.
One thing I will mention is that you could have extended the tower upwards, it would have then been more accurate to the original.
Other than that, good map!

I wish you all the best with the submission process.
[EDIT] - Heyo, I recently found that the map ObsidianTower is the exact same build (missed it as it's not tagged as "Sauron" anywhere on the map document, my apologies for this). Thus, the theme would be unoriginal.
Thanks for the feedback! the decision to keep it short was made cause it would easily be too tall for a medium map if extended too high. Looking at source images we had the exact same thought process as you. It's very frustrating about ObsidianTower though. I don't really see how a map like that can be accepted without listing somewhere that it is associated with LOTR or Sauron's Tower on the map list.

Unlikely that the map will be accepted now but it was a fun build anyways. Thanks again for the feedback! <3


Forum God
Jan 2, 2018
1,319 25
Hello Arky__, Morcaen, DaJimmycat, and Ac179,

I regret to inform you that your map is being rejected.
The theme is the true issue of the map, as the theme of Saurons Tower has already been taken many years ago (/log ObsidianTower). Before creating a map, please make sure that the theme has not been done already by going here.
The build of your map is admittedly passable, the exterior clearly alerts to what the theme is supposed to be although the interior could use some work (the lava pool at the bottom being, for lack of a better word- a mess.)
The parkour is on the weaker side, with a seeming lack of variation as various blocks appear close to each other (chests, vines etc). This can be fixed by having different jumps throughout your entire map. It did however fit the difficulty and length of a medium so props for that.[Dooble]

Thank you for submitting this map, I would love to see more submissions from you!
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