Staff Application Guide!


Forum Master
Feb 20, 2019
491 19
So, you want to apply for ManaCube staff, huh? Well, do I have the perfect thread for you! In this guide, I'll be showing you the process of creating an application, the main points you'll want to focus on to ensure that you get accepted, and common mistakes that are made along the way. Let's begin!

To create an application, it is very simple and easy. Simply click this link, fill out the fields as accurately, professionally, and detailed as you can, hit submit, and you're finished! However, although it's easy to make an application, it can be rather difficult to make a good one. Let's go through a few of the main qualities needed as a staff member!

Maturity - Having high maturity and low toxicity is needed to be able to communicate well and get along with others. This isn't too hard, just make sure that you're always kind to others and slow to anger.
Activity - Activity is likely the most important thing on this list; without being active, you don’t have enough time to be helpful, to share your knowledge, or to demonstrate your maturity. There are three main platforms to be mindful of your activity on, which are on the server (in-game), on the forums, and on Discord. Make sure not to neglect any of these three platforms; they all have unique communities, and as a staff member, you'll want to be intimate with all of them!
Helpfulness - Helpfulness would be the second most important part of becoming staff, because if you don’t help others, your activity, knowledge, and maturity aren’t put to good use! For forums, you could try rating staff applications, rating map submissions, answering questions, making tutorials, etc. On Discord, you can help people in #help and #issues whenever staff aren’t available or don’t know how to solve something. Finally, in-game, you can help players to understand plugins/game mechanics that might be new to them, teach players simple tricks to help them, troubleshoot bugs/glitches, and guide players to the other two platforms (forums and Discord). You can also report cheaters, bugs, and staff on any of the three platforms.
Knowledge - You also will need a fair amount of knowledge to be considered as a moderator. You need to understand the rules, as well as ensure that you aren’t ever banned/muted for breaking them. This is one of the easier points, so just spend a bit of time reading over the rules and you’ll likely be alright.
Meeting Requirements - Finally, you should try your best to meet the application requirements, which means at least 50 hours of playtime and being active on Discord and forums (covered in the activity point), a good understanding of the rules/never having been punished for breaking them (covered in the knowledge point), being at least 13 years old (for maturity purposes), an application of at least 500 words to provide detail, and a Google account. Most of these aren't too challenging, and you might already meet some of them without much effort.

Now, you've gotten yourself a quality application, you've posted it, and you're doing well. What do you do while you wait?

DO - Continue to help others in-game, on forums, and on Discord. You aren't truly helpful if you only do it when you're trying to get staff, so make sure to keep up with chat and all the new posts!
DON'T - Post boost! Post boosting on forums is heavily looked down on, so make sure that your posts are helpful and high-quality, rather than low-effort or spammy. Also, try to avoid "necroposting", which is posting on old and outdated threads.
DO - Try to become well-known in the community! Whether by grinding a faction or island, building parkour/creative maps, getting on leaderboards, or anything else, becoming a well-known player in the community is very helpful as it will make your job easier when dealing with players that are already familiar with you.
DON'T - Ask staff about your application! Generally, this makes you come off as desperate and disingenuous, even if you are really just excited about the server. Be patient while it gets reviewed; this server is relatively fast in their dealing with applications, and you're likely to be reviewed or denied within 1-3 weeks of applying.

And that's it! Applying for staff might seem like an intimidating process, but once you begin, you'll see it's really not so bad after all! Best of luck to all aspiring staffers, I'd love to see you on the server and helping out!

(P.S! This guide is not official, and should not be treated as such! It's just a few helpful points for anyone that plans on applying at some point in the future; by the time you apply, you should already be doing well in most of these aspects!
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Olympus Mod+ | Survival Mod
Nov 19, 2018
2,499 96

It’s great that you’re creating a positive and informative guide to help players who may be interested in applying for staff, however...

When it comes to staff applications, we like to look at how players do independently, (which is why we don’t link to the application sub-forum - applicant’s should know where to go if they want to apply) so we know that they are capable and ready for staff - of course, step one is the application.

The reason there isn’t an ‘official guide’ to staff, is we don’t want to hold the applicants’ hand through the process, as it’s generally just unfair to others who have applied either currently or in the past.

All things considered, the best advice I can give, would be: if you need to read a hand-written guide, you may not be ready for staff at that time.

~ Hallowqueen


Forum Master
Feb 20, 2019
491 19

It’s great that you’re creating a positive and informative guide to help players who may be interested in applying for staff, however...

When it comes to staff applications, we like to look at how players do independently, (which is why we don’t link to the application sub-forum - applicant’s should know where to go if they want to apply) so we know that they are capable and ready for staff - of course, step one is the application.

The reason there isn’t an ‘official guide’ to staff, is we don’t want to hold the applicants’ hand through the process, as it’s generally just unfair to others who have applied either currently or in the past.

All things considered, the best advice I can give, would be: if you need to read a hand-written guide, you may not be ready for staff at that time.

~ Hallowqueen
I don't disagree, I fully understand why you don't have an official guide. However, from experience, I know that applying for staff can be rather intimidating; you're just one person among a sea of hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of applications. This is just a few simple places to start, for anyone that plans on applying at some point in the future (hopefully, not near future). Most of what I said here is what is also said in application reviews, either by staff or by players; I'm just trying to eliminate some of the work on both sides.