Hello EdvardsW,
Unfortunately, I will be
Rejecting your map.
The TeamTrees theme is original, but the general trees/nature theme is not original. Please read over this thread
https://manacube.com/threads/parkour-list-with-theme.20194/ to make sure your map idea is original.
The build could be better. You did add some details, but it is quite
small and
simple. I would suggest trying to make your build a bit bigger, and try to add a bit more detail to the build, as it is quite simple.
The parkour is quite
repetitive, as you used a lot of normal blocks and ladders. I would recommend experimenting with a larger variety of blocks and jumps when building parkour to have more
variety and
originality, this will make your map more enjoyable to complete.
As MCBYT mentioned, the section in this screenshot
https://prnt.sc/q1l4sm is impossible, considering the jump to the carpet is blocked off.
The length and difficulty are good for an
easy map.
Thanks for submitting your map! I hope to see more maps from you in the future.