Trapped with no way out!

Oct 26, 2018
* Problem accidentally worked around ... apparently, an iron pick can break obsidian, at least on this server (or is it in MC 13.0?); it just takes a very long time. I found that if i pressed against the hole, I could say "/home". I have no explanation for why this worked. *

I think I must have stumbled over an obscure bug. I had just completed making a nether portal, and stepped through. When I reached the nether, I found I was trapped. I am enclosed on all sides by what seems to be a 3x2x1 "box" of obsidian, i.e., of the same dimensions as the inside of a portal structure. (I can't return to the over-world, as one must step outside the destination portal for a few seconds before using it.) I have no diamond pick with me, so I cannot break a wall. I can neither chat nor issue commands (such as "/home").
Can anyone suggest a fix for this?
For what it's worth, I am standing at coordinates: X=1341, Y=70, Z=1622.
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