uhuq - Staff Application


Active Member
Nov 10, 2021
Your Minecraft Username

What server are you applying for


First name Midhat

Age 13

Country or Timezone

Discord username

Why do you want to become staff?
So i can help improve the servers experience so that it is better, and so that staff and other players enjoy manacube. How will I do that? By making new players feel welcomed as I once did when I joined 3years ago. Helping those who need it. Try to lower the toxicity.

How long have you played on ManaCube?
I’ve been playing for 3years now, almost 4. But I am looking forward to playing for longer!

How many hours a week can you dedicate to Manacube? 24+ but since school will be starting in September, and I will be starting high school, I may not be as active; but surely will to the best of my ability, try to be as active as possible.

What skills do you feel you have that will help the server?
The skills which I have are listed down below:

Patience: I am a patient person and can wait for a while, and I am very patient when it comes to improving or teaching someone/myself new things.

Willingness: I will willingly help others without any reminders, I also can willingly perform tasks that I have been assigned.

Kindness/Low Toxicity: I’m a kind person and soft; I always treat others with respect, kindness, and try to welcome people with a positive outlook. Also I have very low toxicity, almost none at all.

Compassion: when I find something I love I will try to the best of my ability to improve and get better at that no matter what it is.

Confidence/Communication: My father always taught me to be confident with who I am, and no matter what others say I will stand up for the right. Communication is something I am good at, because I can communicate to someone in a friendly manner, talk to someone who is in a tough position and help them talk things through.

What experiences have you had which could help you as staff? I have had experience with working with others, handling customers, helping someone who seems lost/stuck, being a part of a team, taking leadership, finding solutions to problems. Talking things out, dealing with situations calmly and efficiently being able to express myself in a positive manner. Also have been staff on other servers which have gone down.

What three attributes distinguish yourself from other players that qualify you to be a helper?
Here are 3 attributes that I possess:

Leadership: I am a very good leader, since I always am open to others opinions and thoughts. Never do I make someone uncomfortable or feel bad about themselves, instead I make them feel like they belong. I try to include others if they are left out. Instead of saying “I or Go” I say “We, Let’s go”. I know the difference between a boss and leader, I can go on about leadership but let me tell you it in one sentence; A good leader KNOWS the way, GOES the way and SHOWS the way.

Creativity: From a little kid, I’ve always been a creative person, finding different ways to do things, new ideas that seem crazy. If I try something and it fails, I get back up and try a new idea and if that fails thats fine I will try again, nevertheless I will not give up.

Builder: Im really good at building and I think I can help with server builds if needed. I’ve built lots of think before like a giant rocket ship house, beautiful houses, pathways, and so much more.

Please explain what you believe the role of a staff member is.
In my opinion, completing tasks to the best of their ability and in a timely manner is a core responsibility for a Staff member. Welcoming players with an open mind, being helpful and respectful to others. Being responsible and responsive because thats what players usually need, a responsive, respectful, responsible and helpful staff member.

Are you able to use recording software? Yes, iMovie and Filmora WonderShare.

Anything else we should know?
I am a humble, genuine person, and sometimes i will make donations to people who need it. And if given a task I will do the best of my ability to complete it within an appropriate amount of time and complete it as well as I possibly can. Also I’m looking forward to continue playing on the server and hopefully become a staff member! :D

You are aware that all information provided must be true, and if found to be false, will result in an automatic rejection of this application

You are aware that if you are accepted, you will be required to use a microphone for some sections of staff training to talk with the senior staff member leading your initial and future training sessions:

You are aware that you may not use generative AI to write your application for you. Any suspicion of doing so will result in a rejection.
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Aug 27, 2021
ive been on the server for a bit now, uhuq seems like a decent person maybe a little young but has always been polite and seems to have dedication to the server


Dedicated Member
Jun 7, 2018
254 36
+1 Very kind and helpful in game. This player is willing to work out issues civilly and I think they could be a great addition to the Earth staff team.


Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2024
94 7
You have the experience and you seem like a great person, however I think you should wait til you are a little bit older. Everything else is perfect of course and I wish you luck! Earth def needs more staff


Active Member
Nov 10, 2021
You have the experience and you seem like a great person, however I think you should wait til you are a little bit older. Everything else is perfect of course and I wish you luck! Earth def needs more staff
Ty for your feedback, but I checked in the staff application requirements and it said you need to be ATLEAST 13 which I am. But I know I am mature for most 13 year olds in my generation so I think I can become staff at this age. Ofc this is my opinion but you may have yours so please dont take this in the wrong way, just expressing my opinion!