Hi! I'm not a map judge, but i checked out your map and wanted to give you my feedback. (Also, the warp is /plot v CartoonNetworkTM 2 )
There is no real theme to your map, I can see its made out of majority wood, but maps need to have a theme, and the parkour should be incorporated smoothly into it.
This may be due to the lack of theme, but the build was very bland, and made entirely of the parkour.
First, insane maps are usually 100-200 jumps, where as yours is only 55 jumps, which better suits the Medium difficulty (40-60 jumps). Secondly, the parkour was extremely repetitive, especially the neo section. Also, i personally did not find the parkour difficult, it was just annoyingly repetitive.
Nonetheless, the map judges may say differently! Good luck with your submission.