Search results

  1. MarvelFamily

    You provide a problem, The person beneath you provides an unhelpful solution.

    Eat more to drown out the vomit My car was stolen
  2. MarvelFamily

    You provide a superpower, the person under you replies with a downside.

    But everyone knows your one weakness You can turn back time
  3. MarvelFamily

    You provide a superpower, the person under you replies with a downside.

    But you then instantly cause another injury you can create planets
  4. MarvelFamily

    You provide a superpower, the person under you replies with a downside.

    But you can never actually finish anything you do You can prevent manacube lag lol
  5. MarvelFamily

    You provide a problem, The person beneath you provides an unhelpful solution.

    Throw it into the river. then you never have to charge it again My house has no roof
  6. MarvelFamily

    Basics - Seeing The Simple Shapes (A Beginner's Guide to Organics)

    I built my organic by just asking a million questions on the MMA until I liked how it looked. lol
  7. MarvelFamily

    All time dropper Leaderboards

    Just add it already
  8. MarvelFamily

    Accepted Look-See: Medium map

    Map Builder:Anrein Pk Builders:Anrein & Blurpyfied Plot Number:Anrein 9 Difficulty:Medium
  9. MarvelFamily

    Accepted BuffDuolingo - Medium

    Good thing I do mi Espanol todos los dias
  10. MarvelFamily

    What is the Manacube Mapper Association?

    I am It just doesn't show it
  11. MarvelFamily


    I went with the first one, I might use the second one if I ever touch on how I feel about the mapper community (Which would be about 3 times longer than this thread lol).
  12. MarvelFamily

    What is the Manacube Mapper Association?

    MMA is great bc I actually can make sense of conversations there
  13. MarvelFamily

    also how do i get my VIP+ rank on this account

    Vip+ Broke for me too when I originally bought it
  14. MarvelFamily


    First off, what I am about to say is in now way meant to insult official map judges. They have to work pretty hard to evaluate whether a can be accepted, both in terms of pk and build (something I could never do). I'm simply here to explain why I think unofficial map judges are so amazing! Quick...
  15. MarvelFamily

    Rejected Niko - Expert

    This is awesome oneshot is one of my favorite games and I even tried to build a niko organic once (didn't work out for me tho) this build just looks really nice (haven't tried pk on it)