Minecraft IGN: Sarinox_Le_Derg
Map Name: Every End Ever
Plot #1
5913 x 13872 z (For proper coordinates)
Difficulty: Hard
Number of jumps: 67 jumps that can go wrong, there are more than 67 jumps in total, only counting the ones that I could see failure
4 Check points (5 if you include the start)
Created by Ksouren & Apowif (Helper)
Cross-Dimensional Corruption /plot visit Ksouren, for the map
Difficulty - Medium
Number of Jumps - 41 Jumps in total
Submission Format:
Username 46p
Map name Ukulele
Photos of your Parkour (sorry the photos aren't in order)
The # of your Plot / or warp name to it : 47;-92
Difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard, Expert, Insane) Medium
Number of jumps (Optional)
Map built by AsasanSaft
Parkour built by sillllllllllllll ♥
Parkour is called MidoriyaIzuku
Plot#1 ! of AsasanSaft
Difficulty: Medium
Jumps: 42, 2 Checkpoints (+1 Start of Parkour)
My username ig is: SuperPlayz_
My maps name is Gravity ruins and its difficulty from my perspective is Hard (Difficulty - Hard)
I havent counted the jumps, but i see that its optional for the format! The plot it is on is my first one. /plot home Superplayz_ (1)
Of course the builder is me and no...
Ive just finished it, there may be add some more details if you want. Because it lacks of it. Otherwise i just want map judges who can rate it and give feedback.
/plot home SuperPlayz_ to try it
Username: SkrubzLeaderYT
Map Name: Floating Pigs
Plot ID: 69;9 and it's my plot 1.
Difficulty: Medium to Hard
This is my first map submission to parkour, and frankly the first build I've put effort into. I will accept any feedback and will alter my course to make it better. I have loved parkour...
Username: Playatoma
Course Creator: Playatoma
Helper: None
Course Name: Disappearing Earth
Plot ID: 67;-12
Difficulty: Easy
Number of Jumps: 23
Checkpoints: 3
Notes: I am not expecting this to be accepted mainly because of the structure of the course is not anything special but I like the...
Broken Grave Parkour
/plot visit _TreeBark_ 2
I believe this is an expert map
About 84 jumps
5 Checkpoints
MiaDiedLastWeek helped out with creating this parkour.
Prin_EatingCake and spun0 tested this parkour.
this is my first plot so /plot v Riley926
i think the difficulty is medium/hard because there are a lot of jumps but some of them are easy jumps
around 100 jumps
Im Riley926, I'm a creative player I have a B on that server and when I got kinda bored I switched to...
My map is an Easy difficulty as it is very short and simple to complete.
Me(zubook02) and my friend (Tibbm) both buit the Ukelele parkourse together(she built the ukelele and i built the parkour).
The warp the get there is /plot tp zubook02 3
Thank you for reading.(if you need to contact me my...
Username : fumbled
Map name : "Dairy"
Photos of my Parkour: (attached files)
The # of your Plot / or warp name to it: 63;-36 or /plot tp fumbled 2
Difficulty: Easy
Number of jumps: 25
USERNAME: FattieWithAnEye
Map name: SmilyPixel
Photos: You can see below :D
WARP NAME: /Plot home FattieWithAnEye 1
Difficulty: EASY
Number of jumps: I counted 37 without all the ladders(Counted with ladder jumps)
CREATORS: FattieWithAnEye
Hi I'm an Expert Level on the Parkour Section of Manacube! My username is SilverFoxi and this is the first map I've made. I believe my map, Cereal Mess is an Easy Map as it has around 37 jumps! My ID is "-59;15" on Map Maker World! The map shows a baby/toddler spilling their cereal:
Screenshots: For Some Reason I Cannot Attach A Photo Here.
My In-game name: Towage
(This is my first time I Submit a Map)
Difficulty: Medium (40-50 Jumps)
Builders: Towage and BULLYHUNTER_1984
Map Name: Waterfall
Plot ID: -40;-55
Plot Warp: /plot visit Towage
Created On: Map Maker World