Rejected Gigantic Mobs (Expert)

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Forum Expert
Apr 10, 2019
150 3
Hello Power, this is just my opinion of your map and not an official review.

The Theme: It's rather unoriginal, there are many large blocks/large mobs maps already in existence on manacube, and this just seems to be another one of those.
The Build: It's rather messy and unattractive, you have successfully portrayed the mobs, however they're all floating separately, and only linked by the parkour.
The Parkour: It's rather messy, and mainly floating jumps (which should be avoided as seen in which I'd give a quick read over if I were you!) It's also rather repetitive and boring, there's very little block variation, and the jumps are mostly easy, with the occasional neo of some description thrown at you in each section. There are no checkpoint on the entire map, and the jump count I found myself to be closer to 30 than 40, which is much shorter than the intended jump count for expert maps.

To improve your submission I would suggest centering the builds together, and incorporating the parkour throughout, I'd also recommend playing around with block and jump types. Going through and adding appropriate checkpoints, and elongating the parkour length would also work in your favour!



Forum Legend
May 12, 2019
501 11
Hey Power991,

Unfortunately, I will be REJECTING this map submission.
  • Theme: As we have an overabundance of MC Mob-related maps currently on our server, this is a very unoriginally themed map submission. I recommend that you look at our list of previously used maps/themes as to prevent such things: .
  • Build: I'm really not a fan of the build. It's just poorly made renditions of MC mobs with lots of floating parkour in between. It lacks originality (we've seen this lots of times before), focus (it's all over the place), and proper parkour integration (the parkour is mostly floating). I know you can do better than this.
  • Parkour: The parkour is way too short for a hard or expert. You have to add more jumps to fit the difficulty. Furthermore, there was a lack of uniformity of difficulty throughout the parkour. The slime part is really easy and then you have some harder neo's and then easy jumps and then some more neo's. It's just not equal. And, there wasn't a very wide variety of blocks/jumps utilized in it. The slime segment was all slimes, the ladder part on the enderman was all ladders, and the triple neo part at the end was just 3 triple neos. You need to be more creative.
I hope you take these criticisms into consideration when submitting maps in the future, good luck!
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