[HIGH EFFORT] Earth should **NOT** be merged with Survival

Should Earth be merged with Survival

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Forum Legend
Sep 9, 2022
714 117
TL; DR: Earth is too different to be merged with Survival, and it would also warrant the merging of other realms in ways that would not work.

As many players and staff know alike, it appears that many players would like Manacube's Earth realm to be merged with Manacube's Survival realm.

Many people would say, "Well... Earth is kind of like Survival AND Earth might be causing other, more important realms to lag, as well as the fact that Earth simply doesn't have enough players to justify being its own realm," or something along those lines.

Well... first off, Earth is fundamentally different than Survival in many ways (I will have a separate section about their differences later in this thread), and as for the second point, under that logic, Creative, and Factions, and Anarchy would all have to be merged with another realm because all record similar or lower player counts than Earth on the regular... but none of those realms could merge with any other realm. Creative is too different to be merged, Factions has rules that are far too unlike other realms, and Anarchy is Anarchy.

Some may say, "Well, why not just delete those realms? They're all wasted resources that are causing other more important realms to lag or receive less care," However, we all know that Creative and Anarchy receive next to no bug fixes or updates; stop lying to yourself. As for Factions, the 10-20 people that are always online are enough to justify keeping it, as that is a very similar number of players to Earth, who many agree should be kept, though some believe otherwise (and those people are wrong). Further, as Dacon, Swrds, and other staff members have confirmed, all realms are completely separate and are on different servers, so if there's a lag spike, it's probably server wide. As for the idea that smaller realms are taking away care from other, "more important," realms, really the only care that they could take away are bug fixes, many of which are minor fixes that don't take too long.

Now going back to Earth, it's just too different from Survival. Here's a list of differences:
1. Keep inventory: Earth does not have keep inventory in the wild, whereas Survival does.
2. The economy: Earth's jobs and what not do not give as much money as Survival does; #1 /baltop on Earth is about $16 million while Survival's #1 /baltop is over $80 BILLION.
3. Cubits: Earth players simply do not spend as much money on cubits, which makes SVA's far more valuable on Earth than Survival. For example, on Earth, a Super Mushroom Sword is 30-40 cubits, whereas on Survival, I've seen the same sword going for 15 cubits.
4. PVP: The PVP system on Earth is traditional 1.9 (which, by the way, is not good), but Survival has a pseudo-1.8 system, and you might think that Survival's is better as many can agree 1.8 > 1.9, but I will tell you right now, Survival's PVP system is SCUFFED. The packets sometimes don't register if you click too fast, critical hits are always messed up and irregular, etc.
5. "Clan" system: Earth's "clan" system involves Nations and Towns, whereas Survival is simply parties. Earth's clan system is simply more intricate, as it has SiegeWar mechanics, different classifications of Towns and Nations, etc. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but to my knowledge, Survival's "clan" system simply is not as detailed or thought-out as Earth's
6. Community: Many Earth players just wouldn't play anymore if this realm merge were to happen, including a few who tend to spend a decent amount on the Manacube store. So really, by merging the two realms, Manacube ends up losing money on the store, and essentially deletes a realm, as many active Earth players may quit if it were to merge with Survival.

Now of course, I saved the most important for last, the MAP. Earth is popular because it's fun to go to where you live in real life and build your town there. Survival doesn't have that. Further, seeing all kinds of different environments and landmarks in Minecraft is quite a lot of fun for many, and being able to see where other people have settled is a fundamental part of Earth that Survival will probably never have.

So Manacube, go ahead and flame me and tell reasons for the alternative.


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