Lucille Nerf...


Dedicated Member
Sep 22, 2021
90 37
Roll back the Lucille nerf or change it, PVP even worse than before now even though the nerf was supposed to make PVP less "dull". I dont know how someone that doesnt even PVP has the nerve to post a thread saying that PVP is "dull". Nerf for Lucille was needed, yes but nerfing it that hard, better would be if it stays slow 5 but less duration for it, from 6 seconds to 3 or something. Lucille is basically useless and now fights take even longer making it even more "repetetive". Instead of nerfing Lucille that hard Staff may want to look at the Jump Boost, something that makes PVP "dull". Again showing how little Bex knows of PVP, she probably only did it to get some staff recognition cause thats the only thing that attention seeking girl is looking for. And btw no one hits every zurg shot, if ur enemy doesnt literally stand still u wont hit every shot, nice exaggeration bex, small brainer

Roll back the nerf of Lucille or change it
Nerf Jump Boost makes PVP take atleast twice as long to kill someone as it should


Apr 16, 2022
Since bex allowed herself to comment on an alt, ill do the same. YES!!! Roll back lucille nerf pvp so bad rn omg and pls nerf jumpboost i cant kill my enemies quick enough!!!


Dedicated Member
Dec 25, 2020
106 15
+1 i completely agree, while i did say decreasing lucille slowness would be better now i do see the side effect, since gears 3 (speed 3) is an enchant not only does it negate the slowness 2 effect you still get some speed from it, as ive been told by jcody_parker i do recommend increasing the cooldown / decreasing the effect length of lucille, so either make its cooldown more than 5 (preferrably like 8-10s) or decrease the slowness effect length so that u get slowness 5 for less than 5 seconds, since 5 second slowness with 5 second cooldown means its basically infinite. My preferred solution is decreasing the slowness effect length as it wont affect pvp that much


Forum Legend
Mar 9, 2021
363 108
+1 (totally read through all of this and DIDN'T just answer +1 because most people did..)


Apr 4, 2022
2 4
Heres an idea, change the pvp meta cause it sucks ass, respectfully. Could make it 1.8, people would complain about shit like hit reg or whatever and i know its a change to the pvp meta so people will complain about that but atleast u dont need to grab popcorn and make sure u got enough power for the next couple days every time u wanna fight someone. Blasters and all this shit make this feel like a childs game with all the colourful toys u can fight with (yes i know minecraft is a kids game but like shut up). Pvps boring rn so make a change or focus on PVE. If changing an item that literally makes people unable to move means its impossible to ever kill someone then theres a problem with the whole pvp system atm. Just my thoughts but gah damn consider it please.


Forum Legend
Mar 9, 2021
363 108
Heres an idea, change the pvp meta cause it sucks ass, respectfully. Could make it 1.8, people would complain about shit like hit reg or whatever and i know its a change to the pvp meta so people will complain about that but atleast u dont need to grab popcorn and make sure u got enough power for the next couple days every time u wanna fight someone. Blasters and all this shit make this feel like a childs game with all the colourful toys u can fight with (yes i know minecraft is a kids game but like shut up). Pvps boring rn so make a change or focus on PVE. If changing an item that literally makes people unable to move means its impossible to ever kill someone then theres a problem with the whole pvp system atm. Just my thoughts but gah damn consider it please.


Dedicated Member
Dec 25, 2020
106 15
Heres an idea, change the pvp meta cause it sucks ass, respectfully. Could make it 1.8, people would complain about shit like hit reg or whatever and i know its a change to the pvp meta so people will complain about that but atleast u dont need to grab popcorn and make sure u got enough power for the next couple days every time u wanna fight someone. Blasters and all this shit make this feel like a childs game with all the colourful toys u can fight with (yes i know minecraft is a kids game but like shut up). Pvps boring rn so make a change or focus on PVE. If changing an item that literally makes people unable to move means its impossible to ever kill someone then theres a problem with the whole pvp system atm. Just my thoughts but gah damn consider it please.
then youd just make spending money on this game worthless when it comes to pvp, the reason pvp is "boring" is cuz ur fighting ppl who spent time or their money on the game so we should let them get the upper hand for all the effort / money they spent on the server


Well-Known Member
QA Team
Jul 17, 2021
91 43
Roll back the Lucille nerf or change it, PVP even worse than before now even though the nerf was supposed to make PVP less "dull". I dont know how someone that doesnt even PVP has the nerve to post a thread saying that PVP is "dull". Nerf for Lucille was needed, yes but nerfing it that hard, better would be if it stays slow 5 but less duration for it, from 6 seconds to 3 or something. Lucille is basically useless and now fights take even longer making it even more "repetetive". Instead of nerfing Lucille that hard Staff may want to look at the Jump Boost, something that makes PVP "dull". Again showing how little Bex knows of PVP, she probably only did it to get some staff recognition cause thats the only thing that attention seeking girl is looking for. And btw no one hits every zurg shot, if ur enemy doesnt literally stand still u wont hit every shot, nice exaggeration bex, small brainer

Roll back the nerf of Lucille or change it
Nerf Jump Boost makes PVP take atleast twice as long to kill someone as it should
probably not nice to say those things about bex but the lucile nerf was kinda dumb. pvp is dull because old players have the best items and then they dont add anything else to even compete.

an easy fix for this would be to add better armor you can earn through challenges that can almost compete with current armor sets and add weapons that can do enough damage to hurt and kill players in those sets realativly quickly without any assistance from items.

they just need to add better stuff and make that the norm rather than makeing prot 7 and sharp 7 the norm. or ask for specific players input and opinions on how to fix pvp. the only people that can give proper input is the people that pvp.


Dedicated Member
Jul 24, 2021
35 1

I am a skyblock player and hell we don't even pvp that much. However, there is no point anymore, not even a point in trying to go kill some guy wearing slayer armor or anything like that because of Gears 3. The slowness 5 was fine because of Gears 3. It did not need a nerf and that was it. Gears 3 would essentially make you just run at normal speed with slowness 5 because that's how the two potion effects work together. All the Lucille did was make someone with Gears 3 slightly slower and mess up their FOV. Like someone else said earlier no one ever hits all their shots with a blaster because it's damn near impossible. If anyone can hit all their blaster shots with someone trying to avoid their shots I would be very impressed. Now the FOV change is useless and so is the slowness because it doesn't change their speed whatsoever. Nerfing the Lucille cause it's too "overpowered" would also call for a nerf on a dozen other items there are plenty of items with sharpness 10 but players don't complain about the damage they can do despite it potentially being unfair to others in pvp. Overall pvp is useless without an item like the Lucille. Slowness 5 was fair because it was just a really good SVA to have, a solution to making it more fair to others would be make another item similar to it in future crates, and people would buy more crates. Right now the nerf should be removed because frankly it was a bad decision.