Roof above Survival PvP Arena

Oct 2, 2020
Hello everyone, hope you all are having a great day! I came here to share my sad (and kinda funny) history. I got VIP+ today and so, I was exploring everything that comes with it, including the fly ability. Over the Survival spawn, I was flying around exploring stuff, looking for nice screenshots and just enjoying it, to suddenly, out of nowhere, my fly went away, I fell, and died. I was so high up that I didn't even notice the PvP arena, and I also had no idea my fly would be disabled. At the end, I lost my best sword and some other items, a guy jumped in and just took everything, so I came here to make this nice suggestion, so other people don't go through the same thing, maybe a barricade roof above it would be nice, so nobody fall in. Thanks if you read till here xD