

Forum Legend
Aug 11, 2019
1,934 46
Unfortunately, there are just simply not enough spawners in existence this season.
My clan, the top clan, probably has the most spawner fragments and cores out of anyone on Atlas, possibly more than on Aether too, and even we can not yet afford to make an optimized, sustainable spawner farm.
This has lead to both Atlas and Aether combined, at times, having fewer players than I have fingers. And I have a normal amount of fingers. I'd think having a ton of alts online is better than having this few people, but that's not so much a question for me but more for the creator and owner. I'd also expect that a higher spawner farm rate than current would provide a higher daily return rate of players, extended daily playtime, and a better bottom line for the server. *rubs fingers suggesting money*
I know I was one of the largest pushers for 'no afk to win', but as the results show, I feel like, unintentionally, that's been taken a little too hard. So instead of complaining, here's how I suggest we fix this.

How can we fix this? Well, I feel that it can be done in several ways without restoring the same exponential purchasable spawner system from previous seasons.
First, we must keep in mind the goals of setting spawner farms and systems.
A. No overpowering afk to win and alt to win. This makes the game unattractive for newer players who see it as impossible to reach the top.
B. No exponential growth of spawner farms. This leads to the top players staying on top and controlling the entire economy.
C. It's still a prison server. The larger focus of the game should be on mining.

What should be done to reach these goals?
1. Change random core boxes to random spawner boxes. This skipping of the entire requirement that's the biggest cost for creating spawners is a huge head start towards enabling reasonable spawner farms. This also makes it so that spawner farms are grindable and rewarding at the end of the season and not OP at the start.
2. Have spawners crafted with 4 fragments instead. When killing mobs, I've been experiencing a drop rate of cores to frags of about 4:1. So to me it makes sense if the crafting rate is the same.
3. Change spawner repair cost to 1 fragment, or leave it to only money/cubit. Repairing a 1 mob optimized farm requires an entire inventory of fragments, and that's totally unrealistic in my eyes. 1 fragment per spawner makes it realistic, but not totally reasonable. I do like the fragment cost to repair because it prevents people from being able to afk spawners for an endless amount of time.
4. Keep spawners unpurchasable with money. Previously this lead to the exponential and overpowering spawner farms from previous seasons.
5. Keep the same mob loot prices. I feel the current prices for items are in a good spot, and the high tax on inf chests suggests players use sell wands and chests which reduces afk to win. The only things that need to be fixed are the issues with receiving the loot itself (drop multis not working, looting not working, mob loot when stacked 64+ disappearing, etc.)

That's about all my ideas for spawners.
This game is getting super boring and lame without anything being fixed properly. And it also feels like most of my actual volunteer work (not obligated work) to bring new light to a better game is being ignored or is unappreciated. Also x2, it feels like the ones who said they would be doing this work for us would rather do other things and strain and break the already fragile relationship. Sorry, but I might be dropping out of ManaCube University soon. :/


Forum Expert
Jan 9, 2020
395 5
Hey! Thanks for creating this post, you have some really valid points!

First off, I'd like to address your concerns:
And it also feels like most of my actual volunteer work (not obligated work) to bring new light to a better game is being ignored or is unappreciated
I can assure you that it is not being ignored. If there is any information on your posts (and other player's posts) that could really help the gamemode/community, it is almost always passed on, even if it is not publicly mentioned. I am sincerely sorry to hear that you feel unappreciated, once again I can assure you that is not the case. Sometimes not every suggestion can be added, therefore we encourage everyone to keep an open mind about what can and can't be added without changing the baseline of the gamemode too much. We do appreciate everyone's suggestions and feedback though no matter the circumstances and it is always taken into consideration! So I personally thank you for your hard work put into creating these posts and the research behind them.

Secondly, here is some feedback to some of the individual suggestions:
(These are merely my personal opinions, based on my experiences while playing on Aether)

Have spawners crafted with 4 fragments instead. When killing mobs, I've been experiencing a drop rate of cores to frags of about 4:1. So to me it makes sense if the crafting rate is the same
I am half and half on this one. I see how only 4 fragments could help in the way that the mob drop rates are relatively proportional to crafting, however using 8 encourages grinding and seems to keep more of a balance regarding the basis of Olympus. I see both sides kinda equally and could probably be swayed to one or the other based on how the community feels. This would be a really great topic to bring up to more people and get some more feedback on!

Change spawner repair cost to 1 fragment, or leave it to only money/cubit. Repairing a 1 mob optimized farm requires an entire inventory of fragments, and that's totally unrealistic in my eyes. 1 fragment per spawner makes it realistic, but not totally reasonable. I do like the fragment cost to repair because it prevents people from being able to afk spawners for an endless amount of time.
As I have personally not needed to repair any of my spawners yet as I do not have a full mob farm, I don't feel I have the greatest opinion or knowledge on if this is a good balance or not, so I won't get too into this one. As stated above, it would definitely be great to get some more input on how the community feels and if it feels balanced how it is or if it needs a rework. Keep in mind though that many of these prices were originally implemented to discourage becoming too OP with little work. Of course keeping spawners in repair is a lot of work though, props to anyone who keeps it up! Some more feedback on how much work it is and if its near impossible to continue repairing would definitely help if a change needed to be implemented : D

Keep spawners unpurchasable with money. Previously this lead to the exponential and overpowering spawner farms from previous seasons
I completely agree with this. Being able to buy spawners with money is extremely overpowered and I agree with keeping it in the past. I know that almost every, if not all Olympus staff agrees with this as well, maybe even Admins too. I personally can't see it changing anytime soon, so I wouldn't worry about the purchase systems for spawners changing. This isn't a promise though, I don't control that LOL

Keep the same mob loot prices. I feel the current prices for items are in a good spot, and the high tax on inf chests suggests players use sell wands and chests which reduces afk to win. The only things that need to be fixed are the issues with receiving the loot itself (drop multis not working, looting not working, mob loot when stacked 64+ disappearing, etc.)
Like the suggestion above, I completely agree. The prices seem to be at a good balance, and there are some fixes that need to be implemented. Not much else to say with this one other than I agree. Thanks for bringing it up! Knowing it is a concern for you/others also helps us know what the playerbase does and does not like, and helps encourage changes if needed

I's also like to address that I understand it might seem like I know nOthiNG about this topic since I haven't religiously used spawners. However, I do play Aether almost every day, and I would honestly consider myself a decently active player when I am not dealing with staff duties. I play the game too y'all! Back to what was stated above, as nothing is a direct yes or no, consider it another player's feedback. These are all of my personal opinions, and in the end it is not my decision on what does or does not get added. I can assure you that all five of your suggestions listed above will be passed on to be looked over and hopefully discussed.

If there are any disagreements with what I stated above in this post, please feel welcome to make those disagreements known! I'd love to hear y'all's thoughts and feedback regarding all of these topics

Lastly, I'd just like to thank you for your dedication <3


Dedicated Member
Nov 9, 2020
129 5
3. Change spawner repair cost to 1 fragment, or leave it to only money/cubit. Repairing a 1 mob optimized farm requires an entire inventory of fragments, and that's totally unrealistic in my eyes. 1 fragment per spawner makes it realistic, but not totally reasonable. I do like the fragment cost to repair because it prevents people from being able to afk spawners for an endless amount of time.
it would definitely be great to get some more input on how the community feels and if it feels balanced how it is or if it needs a rework
+1 /warp mob is expensive to run


Forum Legend
Aug 11, 2019
1,934 46
Lastly, I'd just like to thank you for your dedication <3
Thank you for your appreciation!
It's not about my suggestions or anyones really, its about creating a lively game. I'm going to be honest here, none of the 12 Olympus staff are active enough to realize how bad spawners are right now due to the high costs, low profits, and bugs. Us players do not have the communication, the tools, the credibility, the trustworthyness to be recognized in a way by the admins, devs, and dacon to make changes to the game in the way needed. But we do have the knowledge to see what is needed. We rely on you guys but without you here we can't do anything and the game dies. Examplified.
If you want to fix this (screenshot), at least even just the appearance of an active server, start by giving players a reason to leave their account on. And follow up by not allowing bugs to live a long life. There is only so much us players can do without you 12 Olympus staff continously asking for fixes and applying suggestions. There is a lot more to do, but this is where to start.

(credit @simplylowry ^)

Sorry, dont mean to argue or be rude. These issues just need to be addressed and they belong here.


Forum Master
Jan 18, 2020
343 6
+1 /warp mob is expensive to run
Running the biggest public grinder on Aether myself I can confirm that the current spawner situation is just bad.
By far not as big as /warp mob on Atlas, but still, it costs a fortune to repair all the spawners. We are heavily relying on public donations to keep it alive.


Apr 23, 2021
+1 /warp mob is expensive to run
i've used /warp mob and it is very very useful yet i cant even begin to imagine e the cost to repair the spawners it would be a lot easier though if the prices dropped