First of all, if you don’t have anything nice to say or can’t state your opinion in a mature manner than I ask that you move on with your day.
I understand that there are aspects of certain servers that are PVP. However, there’s a difference between simply playing the game as it should be and being a poor sport.
If you worked hard, earned your gear, then that’s great. By all means enjoy your time in the game. Just because you have the ability to be rude doesn’t mean you should.
If you kill a player with weak gear, give them a chance to get it back. Don’t be rude and laugh at them, call them names as they beg you for a chance to earn it back, claiming they’ll do anything.
Killing someone and gaurding their gear until it despawns just to watch them break down is beyond unethical. I get it- you either farmed, whaled, or exploited. Give them a chance, though. Doesn’t mean you have to make it easy, but at least give them a chance. Perhaps “Ok, pay me (x currency) to get your helmet back and we can go from there”. Don’t just laugh at them
To you, it may just be a game but there are so many kids out there who’s only escape from their hard, possibly abusive life is to play this game. Like I said, you don’t have to make it easy but if someone is begging you, at least give them a chance, even if it’s a hard task.
Minecraft is supposedly a friendly game, so please, just be kind to your fellow players. What’s a small deal to you could mean the world to another player, especially kids.
You share the world with others, so let them enjoy it too.
With an increase in mental health issues these days, the way you act towards your players can impact them their entire life.
I know most of you will greatly disagree with this viewpoint, but I again ask you to keep it to yourself. There is no reason to be rude to me or others.
Please, just be kind to your fellow players. It’ll mean the world to those less fortunate than yourself to be given a chance to earn their stuff back.