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  • idea seriously. I really would love this, and I feel like the community of Minevast would to! It would be a great addition that other servers don't have! If you can't perform this action, please tell me so I know you didn't just not read it (lol jk), but seriously, I won't be mad or sad if you can't do this. Command blocks are so hard to learn I know XD. Thanx you Dacon! Bai!

    perfect! I feel like it would also be a good idea to limit the amount of /gifts someone can do based on their rank. Maybe "Members" can /gift once, "Member+, D-rank, and Premium" twice, "VIP and C-rank" thrice, and so on and so forth. I'm very sorry if this is very long, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOOOOOOVE giving! It makes me so warm and fuzzy ^_^. Anyway, please consider this
    not it could be a stack of items to gift or limited to only 1 item is up to you. Also, if possible, if you could find a way to limithow many times someone gifts one particular person or anyone to maybe 1-5 times, that would be perfect! I see it as a problem that people would spam the /gift, but if you limit the amount of gifts someone gives, that would be, as I said above,
    Hey Dacon! I would like to present an idea for you: For the holiday season (on Creative), can you please make a /gift command for the month of December? The way it would work is Person A holds an item in their hand. The they do "/gift Player B" (the command would be "/gift <player>"). Then Person B would obtain the item that Person A was holding in their hand. Whether or
    dude corei22 is keeping a friend of me hostage in a enderportal on skyblocks he doesnt want to let him go my friend cant do anything plz send a mod
    hey Dacon i got banned on creative for griefing because someone said i was and then they said it was the second time witch i haven't griefed before so can you help me thanks
    Dacon I would like to apply for staff because I feel like a lot of the time,there isn't any staff online , I would like to be a mod or admin or whatever , just any rank that will make me able to help servers.

    -Monkeymooo (or AppleSPOOK x3)

    P.S. My other minevast fourms account was deleted for no reason ;-;
    ~Im a Legend on all the other servers but Prison. Can you please fix that when you have time? That would be great :D Have a nice day~
    P.P.S I feel it's important to mention that I believe that this is not a problem for anyone else other than me, but I can't be sure because if they were stuck they couldn't type anything either
    Help! In Creative, I did "/warp domoheadshop" and I am completely glitches. I am unable to type anything and I was barely able to open my Menu screen to disconnect. Even when I logged back on I was still stuck. Please teleport me to you when you're on the server! Or send staff to do it! Thx u Dacon!
    Hey, my costume won't go off and my friend really wants it to come off because its really annoying to her, plz fix thx
    also check my maps plz :D
    Oh, btw, if you have to give me my 136 gems back by replacing my already existing ones, then just let it be known as of 11/4/14 I have 20 gems (from double gems week). Thx u!
    Hi Dacon! So I was off of Minevast for about 2-3 weeks for school, and I just came back on to Creative today, only to find I had lost all of my gems! I will be completely honest about how I had 136 gems, and this isn't a fake number to get a ton of gems. Can you help me please? Thanks!
    Hey, just put up another parkour map, there's two maps up, one on my first plot, and one on my second plot. So if you can check both of those it would be great
    I don't Have my Donator rank for everything except Creative and parkour including the fourms.
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