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  • Hey, I was wondering when voting will be up, and if when it comes back up all the votes that have stacked up will be added, or if not, then at the end of the month there will be a small amount of votes..
    Oh, I also just noticed something. A couple months ago, you added in lava to creative. Now (at least with a lava bucket) you can't place lava anymore. No lava on the world was deleted, as far as i know, and you can still spawn in lava with "//set lava" World Edit command. So that also needs fixing. Thanks Dacon!
    hey dacon its spartangirl here, on parkour i am a premium and it took it away can u plz help me get my donator rank again? thx
    In Creative, I had Permanent Advanced World Edit, now I can't do Advanced W/e commands like "//undo" or "//brush …", however, I can do simple W/e commands such as "//wand" and "//set (block)". I believe I have basic W/e now. So if you could help me get back Perm. Adv. W/e that would be great(I need it to start a new plot for a grade)! If you can't give me Perm. Adv.
    W/e then can you at least refund me my 120 gems so I can attempt to buy it from "/shop"? Anyway, I know you have others who have bigger problems, so minorities this problem if you need. Thanks anyway! I'm excited for the new update though! Bai!

    Hey Dacon, I have bought VIP rank for $8.49 for skyblock and hub. But when I logged back onto skyblock, it said I was Mv+ only. I have lost everything in my inventory and echest. The best gear you can get including eff 5 silks and tones of stuff. I hope you can fix this problem. Thanks
    Hey dacon I have VIP rank on all of the parts of the sever except in parkour could you please fix this for me please thanks
    Hello! I just need to tell you, I have legend rank on Minevast's creative server, but none others. Can you help out? my name is marioguy77
    Edit: Actaully, i don't even have access to all of the legend commands on creative. mostly ones involving mobs like /pet and /disguise.

    I was wondering if you will make it possible to apply for moderator on the parkour server this would be awesome.
    David H. (SHORTY_KIDD)
    On parkouce, I tried /claim Vip, went to the website, however when I tried to buy and such it said I wasn't allowed or something. Could I please have some help when you get the time?
    On here I'm a "new member" but I have VIP in Minevast. Shouldn't I have Donator?
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