Bring back Voting / Gary


Dedicated Member
May 19, 2021
146 8
Cash cow is awful. It either needs to be buffed or removed. Voting / Gary gave way better rewards and was a consistent way of getting cubits. From me, and what I see everyone else get from the cow, most people get items no one even cares about (flying cookies, sell wands, etc). At least with Voting it was guaranteed cubits that gave vote crates (which also could give the same rewards as cash cow)


Olympus | Mod+
Nov 19, 2018
2,335 82

As far as I'm aware, voting is only gone temporarily and may make a come back in the future. I believe they're using the new cash cow system as a trial period. Currently, the only information we have is that voting is removed (for now) and one of the main reasons behind this move seems to be to focus on increasing advertising for the network after the new Skyblock release from what I've gathered in Dacon's original post detailing the changes.

On the positive side, I think the design for the cash cow is so under appreciated! It's a really cool design, and the work that has went into it is great (really gives me Otis from Barnyard vibes, hahaha). In my personal opinion, I think it is very close to a regular vote crate, with a chance you can get between 0.01 > 0.07 cubits (it is possible to get them - I recently got 0.06 in my second crate). I can totally understand why people within the community are upset by this change - however, from a business perspective it may be a bit smarter for Dakota & Pizza to make cubits a little more difficult to get, as they have reduced the prices of the ranks and made them server-specific.

This is just my thoughts on it! I'm neither strongly for, nor against the change as I can very easily see both positives and negatives in the new system, but it is important to keep in mind that nothing is set in stone. If it is a popular opinion that the cash cow just isn't working, and players are really unhappy, I have no reason to believe Dacon & Pizza will force the change to stay.

Have a nice day/night! :D


Active Member
Dec 8, 2020
I agree with @SnappedBungee here, in regards to voting/gary having been a better way to get good rewards - it was guaranteed and more consistent. Particularly with /gary, it provides you rewards for playing on the server - now, with /cow, I can simply log on for 30 seconds, claim it, and then dip - which is not particularly good for player engagement and player activity.

The removal of voting and its associated rewards means removal of Elite's 2x Vote Rewards and less chance for non-ranked and/or f2p players to compete with those who p2w/with more irl money - I have detailed a bit more into the why the voting rewards/vote top bridged the divide between f2p and p2w here. I've watched newer players actively vote and grind for their cubits in order to afford in-game items in their own right, like infinity chests. It would take f2p players ages to get an infinity chest through waiting for potential cubits from /cow (either through getting it from the mystery crate directly, or waiting for enough money and cubits to circulate around the economy and back to them), compared to a p2w player who can instantly buy and place one on the first day.

however, from a business perspective it may be a bit smarter for Dakota & Pizza to make cubits a little more difficult to get, as they have reduced the prices of the ranks and made them server-specific.
This is a good point raised! Though I personally feel that at the same time, community/player engagement and satisfaction is just as important? It feels like gameplay is being sacrificed for a business model, if it makes sense.

All in all, I would like to see a nice compromise between /cow and previous reward systems (/gary and voting), that would allow f2p/new players to even have a chance at competing with p2w players, and something that keeps them active and in-game. The current /cow system looks great and is theoretically a great idea, but I feel that it could be polished more, for the above reasons. If /cow stays as-is, I would love for voting to come back, and I think a large amount of players in-game agree with me too.