Hello Seth and Blue!
I am not a map judge, of course, so don't take my opinions too seriously!
Personally, I think this map is fantastic. The theme is original, the build is detailed, and the parkour is varied.
Good luck!!!
-Udun <3
Hello Seth and Blue!
I am not a map judge, of course, so don't take my opinions too seriously!
Personally, I think this map is fantastic. The theme is original, the build is detailed, and the parkour is varied.
Good luck!!!
-Udun <3
I want to give some personal feedback on your map. #nomapjudge
The parkour had some ok flow, not the best but not the worst either.That being said it is good both block and lenght wise. But there are some pointers I'd like to show.
This cocoa bean should be one tad bigger https://prnt.sc/13l1s94 because alot of new players will just walk right off due to it tiny size.
Adding a sign here wouldn't hurt. also the water isn't really needed because you can jump to the slime and catch the ladder without using it. https://prnt.sc/13l1y6u
There is no megaphone map at the moment so good job on finding an original theme.
The build is accurate to what you were going for and I have not much problem with it. Plastic megaphones tends to be pretty flat in their color so I think you don't need much more details on it imo.