I really don't think it's a good idea to be making builds or anything based off of the virus/respiratory disease that is currently killing people right now. I get it that it's a big issue in the world right now and I appreciate that you you aren't making fun of the situation. It's just not a fun theme, it's nothing against you.
I'm going to give this a -1. The build and theme are accurate and original. The parkour is unvaried and just overall not very fun to play. There are many barriers that hinder jumps. Also, previous maps poking fun at this pandemic were Corona and Toilet Paper Hoarder which Shinx did not like at all. This theme was a very bad choice.
I'm going to give this a -1. The build and theme are accurate and original. The parkour is unvaried and just overall not very fun to play. There are many barriers that hinder jumps. Also, previous maps poking fun at this pandemic were Corona and Toilet Paper Hoarder which Shinx did not like at all. This theme was a very bad choice.