Hey Pris,
I'm happy to tell you that your map is being
The theme is pretty
original. Even though we already have many animal-themed maps, we don't have any grasshopper maps, and especially no Stick bug maps. The
build looks good. Even though it's
simple, it looks
accurate to the theme and I could clearly see what it is right away. The parkour has some
enjoyable jumps, and it's
well varied. It
fits the easy difficulty in both length and difficulty, good job! I did make two minor changes:
Removed these anvils, as I found them unnecessary and they made the jump too hard.
Before: https://prnt.sc/uhvwld
After: https://prnt.sc/uhvwqu
Changed the iron bars to green glass panes, as the jump stays the same but it's incorperated with the build better.
Before: https://prnt.sc/uhvyao
After: https://prnt.sc/uhvye9
And last but not least, click
Thank you for submitting this map, I'd love to see more maps from you!
Have a great day,