New event


Dedicated Member
Jul 6, 2019
121 7
Welcome this is a thread about me making some event where there's cubit rewards.

So the first event will be a dropper minigame you will be on top of a big tower and try to jump into the water. Each time you land I will place a block under your feet (color of your choice)and has the continue it will be harder to land in water.
Each time you land in the water and survive there will be a block place and you will get 1+ added to your score the game will end when all the water is gone. The winner will be decided with the player who has the most points.
There might be multiple round depending on how many people we get for this event.

The reward will be by voting
Only 1 winner that gets 5 cubits
3 winner
Top 1 3
Top 2 1.5
Top 3 0.5
Please comment what you would want 3 winner or 1 winner.

The rules
1. You are not allowed to break anything on the island or place anything.
2. You are not allowed to wear any armour in this event.
3. If you have a rank or time fly you are not allowed to use it or be in that command.
4. Be respectful to other players
5. Respect every rule of manacube.
If you break one of the rules you will be banned from this event and future event I will do ^-^

To enter comments your in-game name

If you want to help me with the event tell me on discord ssChicken#3724
if you want to sponsor the event I will do. I will change the winners reward with any help I get.

The event will be April 4 or April 7
This event will be on skyblock Aztec on a costume island I made.
Last edited:
Apr 1, 2020
Welcome this is a thread about me making some event where there's cubit rewards.

So the first event will be a dropper minigame you will be on top of a big tower and try to jump into the water. Each time you land I will place a block under your feet (color of your choice)and has the continue it will be harder to land in water.
Each time you land in the water and survive there will be a block place and you will get 1+ added to your score the game will end when all the water is gone. The winner will be decided with the player who has the most points.
There might be multiple round depending on how many people we get for this event.

The reward will be by voting
Only 1 winner that gets 5 cubits
3 winner
Top 1 3
Top 2 1.5
Top 3 0.5
Please comment what you would want 3 winner or 1 winner.

The rules
1. You are not allowed to break anything on the island or place anything.
2. You are not allowed to wear any armour in this event.
3. If you have a rank or time fly you are not allowed to use it or be in that command.
4. Be respectful to other players
5. Respect every rule of manacube.
If you break one of the rules you will be banned from this event and future event I will do ^-^

To enter comments your in-game name

If you want to help me with the event tell me on discord ssChicken#3724
if you want to sponsor the event I will do. I will change the winners reward with any help I get.

The event will be April 4 or April 7
This event will be on skyblock Aztec on a costume island I made.
Hey I am interested! My username is Lazarus_Bluebird


Apr 15, 2019
Welcome this is a thread about me making some event where there's cubit rewards.

So the first event will be a dropper minigame you will be on top of a big tower and try to jump into the water. Each time you land I will place a block under your feet (color of your choice)and has the continue it will be harder to land in water.
Each time you land in the water and survive there will be a block place and you will get 1+ added to your score the game will end when all the water is gone. The winner will be decided with the player who has the most points.
There might be multiple round depending on how many people we get for this event.

The reward will be by voting
Only 1 winner that gets 5 cubits
3 winner
Top 1 3
Top 2 1.5
Top 3 0.5
Please comment what you would want 3 winner or 1 winner.

The rules
1. You are not allowed to break anything on the island or place anything.
2. You are not allowed to wear any armour in this event.
3. If you have a rank or time fly you are not allowed to use it or be in that command.
4. Be respectful to other players
5. Respect every rule of manacube.
If you break one of the rules you will be banned from this event and future event I will do ^-^

To enter comments your in-game name

If you want to help me with the event tell me on discord ssChicken#3724
if you want to sponsor the event I will do. I will change the winners reward with any help I get.

The event will be April 4 or April 7
This event will be on skyblock Aztec on a costume island I made.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2019
34 3
This actually sound really cool. A dropper mode would be perfect, I always look for servers with dropper maps.


Dedicated Member
Jul 6, 2019
121 7
The event will be the 7 of April at 5pm est there will be
2 Groupe of 4 or plus if we get more people there will be 2 people from each Groupe moving on to make a finally of 4 player.


Forum Expert
Sep 6, 2019
230 5
Hi chicken, I’m not going to be participating however I just wanted to say that I love the fact ur making these cute little events for people to do and participate in! Ur very kind and I hope the event goes well ;D