Season 5 suggestions....


Forum Legend
Sep 9, 2022
712 117
Bring back pvp to earth

Tbh reason earth is dead is cus pvp fell off. Especially around season 3 where there were more peaceful towns than not, season 4 comes out and the reward for sieging isn't worth it at all and most towns are peaceful anyway so it doesn't even matter. Encourage sieges more by adding a better reward (not cubits tho that's frankly an awful idea) like maybe when you win the siege and occupy the town then the king of your nation gets mayor privileges in that town until they revolt?

Another idea I had a while ago was to replace one of the prestige requirements with siege kills instead of like manapond catches since pond is really annoying now.

Idk what the situation on earth is rn since I haven't played in a while but this is what I've come up with so maybe they won't work now but idk(?)
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