Parkour Server Update: 1.8 vs 1.20 [POLL]

Should Parkour update to 1.20?

  • Yes, update to 1.20

    Votes: 122 71.8%
  • No, stay on 1.8

    Votes: 43 25.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 5 2.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jan 24, 2020
Hey everyone

This is a crucial poll regarding our beloved Parkour server. The team has been discussing the next parkour update, and if we should pursue updating to 1.20, or remain on 1.8. The update is still many months out, but we need to poll this now

Below are some key differences that would affect Parkour:

1.20 Pros
  • More Freedom & Creativity: 10+ years of minecraft content would become available (blocks, items, mechanics, resourcepack etc.)
  • Better Cosmetics/Crates (= more funding = more updates)
  • New types of Parkour (New jump mechanics, elytras, etc.)
  • Latest Version would no longer be buggy on many of the maps due to hitbox sizes
  • Global Updates: Parkour can be included in global modern version updates like Festivals
  • New Player Friendly: Lets face it, most new players aren't going to switch to 1.8

However there is a significant hurdle that comes with upgrading to 1.20

1.20 Cons
  • Broken Maps: Hundreds of maps would be broken due to 1.8 vs 1.20 differences in block hitboxes.
    These would all be fixed before releasing, but would likely take many months. This is why we are polling this super early so that we have plenty of time.
  • 1.8 Discontinued: We wouldn't support 1.8 anymore, which is the preferred client version for many parkour players

So we are at a crossroad. We can play it safe and remain on 1.8 (we still have many new features planned), or take on the challenge of updating to 1.20, embracing it's new features and opportunities. This poll is to gather the communities opinion and feedback. If you are a Parkour player, please submit your vote and discuss your thoughts in this thread! We will consider all feedback in our final decision.
Let’s switch to 1.4.2


Forum Expert
Feb 11, 2017
519 24
Ive never understood the idea that "manacube is dead". i usually see only really old players who havent bothered to meet anyone new in like 2 years who say this. there are loads of new and great ppl all the time.

likewise, the idea that theres nothing new to do on 1.8 anymore. other 1.8 parkour servers come out with loads of new stuff all the time. the focus on mana is just too narrow, it needs to branch out into things like rankup
yeah there are great new community members but no one to create content to continue the servers lifespan. the idea that there is nothing new to do on 1.8 is not narrow. we've exhausted pretty much any cool idea and your sentiment of branching out into rankup being a solution is just so silly. rankup parkour players are like the niche of the niche, they're the smallest group of players into parkour. rankup communities are small and inevitably die, LC is the only server to not prove this idea. LC also pulls only like 20-30 players daily so even if manacube were to attract the rankup crowd they wouldn't stay because they want to continue building maps that only 3 people can do lmao. my point being, rankup is not a solution to the playerbase dwindling, but it's still a good idea


Parkour | Mod+ KitPvP | Mod+
Apr 24, 2021
69 1
I want to realistically say it’s not going to be months to fix 1.20 maps it’s going to take over a year.

The parkour staff team and I tested easy-expert maps (just over 1000 maps) and it took us over 8 months. This was when the staff team for parkour was about 6 people and we had 6 people doing this not including the managers. The only people who are able to fix the maps are managers, thankfully we have two. It took over a year and a half to get all easy-experts (insanes are still not tested and fixed for 1.12) fixed.

The staff team for parkour has gone down dramatically specifically because how hard we had to work for the last update, it burned all of us out. I was up night after night testing maps trying to make sure we had a playable server. Now 1.12 only changed a little about 1 out of every 10 map needed changing. With 1.20 will make 9 out of every 10 maps needing to change and it won’t be small changes it will be drastically the whole map. We talked to you Dacon last time, made a document begging not to change to 1.19. You listened, people were overjoyed. Now I’m begging again, unless you will give the parkour staff team time, pay, and bring more people to help, you will burn every single parkour staff out.

Speaking from experience I am burnt out from last year doing this and I had a year break. I can’t imagine what the current members will think having to do it all over again. There are only 3 parkour staff right now, excluding managers, and all are staff other where this can’t be done in months this needs time or more people. Then putting Hayley and Shinxy having to fix every map it’s going to take awhile, it’s not simple fixes it’s whole maps.
This too^ I was so burned out from doing so many maps in such a short amount of time. I did not enjoy parkouring anymore and instead switched to play more kit. my joy in parkouring only returned like 2 months ago, i don't even want to think about doing it all again


Active Member
Aug 18, 2018
One thing that doesn't get talked about enough in my opinion is that the possibility that old Mappers just don't want to Map anymore because they felt abandoned by the Manacube System of Judging Maps, you see, i got asked on a daily basis when i actively played again in the past Month/s to help with maps or just simply play them and judge them a little, people put a lot of Effort into these maps even tho they're really not good.. you try to improve them but it seems like the given tools to new player on how to make an acceptable are too weak/not obvious enough, because a lot of people do indeed build maps, which could be acceptable, if the system was more accessable/transparent to them in a way that they don't have to first ask in chat and get the respond "Look in the Forums for that" but maybe a command like /mapper or /mapping could be helpful.. with a detailed insight of -HOW TO MAP-

Another thing that isn't taken into consideration enough that there would be an way like maybe.. the Mapper Discord, that could open up a Channel where every Map Creator could look over their own Maps (Sorry Shinx lol) and either put it into the named Discord Server or what would be an even better idea, put it into a google document, with all the maps listed, and what map need to be fixed/where, as a Community if enough people work on that and Shinx or Hayley just have to teleport from map to map & replace the blocks this can be a very fast process, and take much less time than initially thought

I personally think 1.20 could be a good thing, but like others mentioned, we should also take into consideration is an actual update and i'm not just talking about the Version, a lot of players (myself included) don't even know what to do anymore, the rankup process is tidious and not fun, the only other gamemode on Parkour is Dropper? which is not really Parkour-Like in my eyes, a thought that crossed my mind could be a "Tutorial" for Jumps, ranging from Difficulty of Easy to Insane, which may even give a little reward like a Dropper depending on the Jump BUT more importantly, Signs with Strats, maybe even an Area that explains terms like "Pessi" "bwmm" "mm" "hh" "ticks" and such, most if not 95% of the playerbase don't know these words, and could never even if a Blue or Derek explained a jump with strats tell what they mean.. which can be solved with something like that, and maybe we could even expand that further and actually make a dream come true of some parkour players so they don't have to resort to LC all the time, rank-up parkour, which can also be a great addition, this is just my opinion but i'd definitely enjoy helping & seeing Manacube grow back to old beauty again

Love you all and Good Night


Forum Expert
Apr 15, 2020
337 6
Yeah man. Agree with a lot of what was said by doob. I used to be on the 1.8 train but it really became apparent how limited we were just when I saw a *different* parkour server on 1.19. Yes Minecraft is on the decline but that doesn't mean there won't be another resurgence. The question to ask in that case is will Manacube Parkour be ready if there is another Minecraft resurgence? Will new players be willing to put up with an anti cheat that completely shits on 1.19 parkour mechanics (no offense cullan its not u <3)? I have lowkey given up on manacube but it would still be cool if there was active core community I could come back to from time to time.

I do also wish like others expressed that there could be other branches of maps other than just the classic checkpointed manacube map. This is why I advocated a ton while on the staff team to expand mapmaker more to allow players to play maps in mapmaker world just as they would in the real parkour world. Having more infrastructure around this such as a log system for "submitted" maps as well as actually working mapmaker tools allowing for permanent gamemode survival, player made tp blocks/triggers, and many other things would allow for way more content to be put out and would not put as much of a load on hayley and shinx. This server could actually be good if it was given enough attention :((

Also dacon wants his bag give him those 1.20 cosmetic moneys.



Dedicated Member
QA Team
QA Team
Mar 20, 2018
246 9
with all the maps listed, and what map need to be fixed/where
this been a thing for awhile lol check the version category in each diff Parkour Map List

(it dosent say on that version but the private one has notes of changes under maps with a "-" or "#" next to them)
Post automatically merged:

there could be other branches of maps other than just the classic checkpointed manacube map.
this could be good but i feel the sky parkour is kind of what gives manacube its "identity" but i wouldnt be against the change, it be good to get out our niche but i will miss said niche that we took to its limits


Jul 4, 2014
4,811 85
Some really good points have been said

We will be changing plots to be their own world in the next update, whether its 1.8 or 1.20. This lets map makers work with basically unlimited space for more types of maps (like adventure or rank up maps). If we do 1.20 we'll be converting every existing map into it's own world as well. RIP pathways but this creates so many possibilities, and makes managing maps 10x easier/faster.

As for updating the maps, 100% would need help from everyone that wants to. This would be done on a separate testing server, with limited amount of maps being released in batches. On the testing server there would be in-game tools to report different types of stuff, automatically assigned to the map you're on and specific location. We can give build access on specific maps (since they'll be in their own world) to map makers/players. The workings of all this would be planned out better than this later on.

What about splitting the diff and adding a new 1.20 parkour realm? Do what you did with cubes on Surv but one be 1.8.9, the other can update? Best of both worlds IMO

(but, if it's one or the other, 1.8.9 PLEASE. So much nicer pk)
We would have multiple parkour servers like survival if updated to 1.20. Servers would be synced together and split into probably Spawn, Maps, Adventure, Map Maker World servers. Having the same server but in both 1.8 and 1.20 would be extremely hard to maintain, and having 2 separate servers would be 2x more to maintain. We could have a legacy 1.8 server with all of the original maps, but this wouldn't be updated at all, more of a museum addition.

is rankup a real potential idea for manacube update, i dont care about version im pro in whatever but rankup would be cool, obviously i wouldnt be able to play it because im permanently banned and i would never break the rules to evade this but u should add rankup because it is the best ever and it brings skill to the players and could bring manacube into a more serious server in terms of the parkour community
Rankup maps are definitely something we're interested in doing

Additionally the newer versions' performance is straight aids. Fine if you're fannying around on kiddy games like survival or skyblock, but when you're halfway through a gauntlet like orangevsblue, you really don't want to drop frames. Life or death
Check out latest 1.20 snapshot, might have double fps


Dedicated Member
QA Team
QA Team
Mar 20, 2018
246 9
If we do 1.20 we'll be converting every existing map into it's own world as well. RIP pathways but this creates so many possibilities, and makes managing maps 10x easier/faster.
hows it improve maps excatly? you'd think making like 1800 different multiverse warps would be super time consuming and would also add a new layer of complexity to adding new maps, instead of just pasting them to a pathway, now you gotta set up a whole world and everything. maybe its some plugin stuff to do with the slime/cube system im not aware of

i guess if youre gonna remove size limitations its a good idea, just gonna miss walking down the road and seeing all the maps, maybe keep the roads but add little stylised warping gates like how the adventures maps currently have. like this picture of /warp featured below.

makes it easier to choose a map compared to just staring at a menu in the log

We could have a legacy 1.8 server with all of the original maps, but this wouldn't be updated at all, more of a museum addition.
if this means maps are able to get more drastic changes to them then i think this is something good to have, when selecting in the log you could have an option to play a legacy version of a map or something, might aswell keep em yknow.

id also like if the current plot world was added to museum as well since its got alot more than just pk maps, and like oldcreative im sure people would want to go back to it


Jul 4, 2014
4,811 85
hows it improve maps excatly? you'd think making like 1800 different multiverse warps would be super time consuming and would also add a new layer of complexity to adding new maps, instead of just pasting them to a pathway, now you gotta set up a whole world and everything. maybe its some plugin stuff to do with the slime/cube system im not aware of

i guess if youre gonna remove size limitations its a good idea, just gonna miss walking down the road and seeing all the maps, maybe keep the roads but add little stylised warping gates like how the adventures maps currently have. like this picture of /warp featured below.
View attachment 67894
makes it easier to choose a map compared to just staring at a menu in the log

if this means maps are able to get more drastic changes to them then i think this is something good to have, when selecting in the log you could have an option to play a legacy version of a map or something, might aswell keep em yknow.

id also like if the current plot world was added to museum as well since its got alot more than just pk maps, and like oldcreative im sure people would want to go back to it
Some improvements:
- 10+x more space
- 100x less file storage (using slime world format)
- Don't need to accommodate pathway entrances for parkour starts
- Maps can be finalized/fully setup inside the mapper world and then released with 1 command. There would be no manual world setup, pretty much automatic. These custom worlds also only take like 50 miliseconds to load from file and no loading screen

Yeah I know I would miss the roads. Shinx, Hayley and I were talking today about having a section on the website to browse maps too, either with screenshots or a web world viewer embedded


Dedicated Member
QA Team
QA Team
Mar 20, 2018
246 9
- Maps can be finalized/fully setup inside the mapper world and then released with 1 command. There would be no manual world setup, pretty much automatic. These custom worlds also only take like 50 miliseconds to load from file and no loading screen
yknow what yeah that'll do it LOL adding them from the plot is indeed a much better idea
Yeah I know I would miss the roads. Shinx, Hayley and I were talking today about having a section on the website to browse maps too, either with screenshots or a web world viewer embedded
oh this would be great, could also house a lot of secondary info about a map like its jump count and creators/submission date (information already on the map list)

web viewer would also be cool since you can just take the plot turn it into a schem file during initialisation and then put it in a 3d modeler viewer or some other blockbench style viewer (I know very little about blockbench and 3d modelling viewers so this might sound dumb but just screenshots work too as a backup lol)


Jul 4, 2014
4,811 85
yknow what yeah that'll do it LOL adding them from the plot is indeed a much better idea

oh this would be great, could also house a lot of secondary info about a map like its jump count and creators/submission date (information already on the map list)

web viewer would also be cool since you can just take the plot turn it into a schem file during initialisation and then put it in a 3d modeler viewer or some other blockbench style viewer (I know very little about blockbench and 3d modelling viewers so this might sound dumb but just screenshots work too as a backup lol)
If we can get this to work with world formatting we're using, and embedd that into the page... would be so sick


Dedicated Member
QA Team
QA Team
Mar 20, 2018
246 9
If we can get this to work with world formatting we're using, and embedd that into the page... would be so sick
oh this is perfect for that yeah, would be difficult using the slime system cause this seems to largely use the same world for everything but it supports different maps so seems perfect


Forum God
Jan 1, 2017
975 851
If we can get this to work with world formatting we're using, and embedd that into the page... would be so sick
If parkour ever gets the 1.20 update, (which it seems to be like it will), Could you update creative to 1.20 first, and then let us mappers get a head start on 1.20 map making then shinx/hayley or higher staff can copy and paste it over to the parkour world, so we'd have some 1.20 maps at least and not so many broken maps?


Nov 2, 2017
1,315 43
We would have multiple parkour servers like survival if updated to 1.20. Servers would be synced together and split into probably Spawn, Maps, Adventure, Map Maker World servers. Having the same server but in both 1.8 and 1.20 would be extremely hard to maintain, and having 2 separate servers would be 2x more to maintain. We could have a legacy 1.8 server with all of the original maps, but this wouldn't be updated at all, more of a museum addition.
I would really encourage keeping a legacy/museum server of the 1.8 parkour server for two reasons: 1, the small faction of die-hard 1.8 players could continue to parkour and interact with their old maps, and 2, mappers would feel more inclined to heavily revamp maps since their old builds aren't "gone."

That being said I think this update would be the perfect opportunity to finally archive some of the really old and frankly terrible maps that were accepted in 2015 but would never pass today. As long as maps are rejected for being "unoriginal," players need to be allowed to improve and modernize already-taken themes like Minecraft, video games, structures, etc. So I don't think the goal should be to revamp all or even most of the current maps; update enough to start out with and let people build new takes on pre-existing themes.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2021
62 2
That seals the deal. I am no longer a Manacube fan. I’ve been a fan since 1982 and a season ticket holder since 1996. I officially will not be renewing my plan next season nor will I play on the server ever again. I am going to switch over to Roblox parkour now where they know how to run a server.


Forum God
Jul 30, 2019
557 20
If parkour ever gets the 1.20 update, (which it seems to be like it will), Could you update creative to 1.20 first, and then let us mappers get a head start on 1.20 map making then shinx/hayley or higher staff can copy and paste it over to the parkour world, so we'd have some 1.20 maps at least and not so many broken maps?
This brings up even more issues. Map makers take forever to change pk. When given the opportunity they don’t change just what’s needed they change whole maps, they change builds, they add Easter eggs that are inappropriate. We only have Shinx and Hayley as map judges, the rest have left, so now only shinx and Hayley can test these maps and it brings up even more work for them.

Mark Snicket

Forum Master
Feb 16, 2022
151 7
yea please update to 1.20, im currently stuck on a map with lava, and you cant just to the next block in the better versions, you need 1.8 for it and ive quit parkour since


Active Member
Sep 10, 2021
4 2
Even though 1.8.9 is very, very good for parkour, but I propose that you have 2 parkours, just in case some people are in a parkour project, or really prefer 1.8.9, they can still play it! Just make sure to make both servers, well, different servers!